Lisa Villegas joins the Q13 News Weather Team
Lisa Villegas joins Q13 News Weather Team
Q13's Matt Lorch introduces you to our new Chief Meteorologist Lisa Villegas.
SEATTLE - Q13 News is excited to introduce our new Chief Meteorologist: Lisa Villegas!
Lisa will join the Q13 Weather Team on the air starting Wednesday, Oct. 7.
Her love of the outdoors and rain – yes, rain – makes the Pacific Northwest the perfect fit.
“I just can’t wait to be a part of the Pacific Northwest and call it home,” Lisa told Q13 News anchor Matt Lorch.
Lisa is at home and happiest with her head in the clouds, experiencing the elements, and sharing it with others.
“What are you most excited about when it comes to moving to the Pacific Northwest?" Matt asked.
"Definitely the rain,” Lisa said.
“Did I hear you correctly, did you say you’re looking forward to the rain?" Matt asked.
"I am, I am!” Lisa said.
After spending the last few years in the bone-dry desert of Tucson, Arizona, Lisa is ready for a return to an area with four seasons.
“I’m ready for a little bit of that cooler weather. I’m ready for the fall," she said. "I mean, I grew up in the Northeast, so I’m ready for that cloud cover. I miss it.”
Lisa's parents raised her in Pittsburgh - always encouraging her to reach high and chase her dreams.
“When I was little I wanted to be a ballerina," she said. "Also, I wanted to be a rock star on the weekend, and I wanted to chase tornados at night.”
“I think I (knew I) wanted to be a meteorologist when I was in the eighth grade when I gave an hour-and-a-half presentation on clouds, and everyone in the classroom wanted to throw rocks at me.”
Lisa says she loves the outdoors and can't wait to explore PNW trails.
“I love to be outdoors. I enjoying hiking, I love paddleboarding.”

Lisa Villegas joins Q13 News Weather Team
Her trusty hiking partner is her 8-year-old Chihuahua named Biscuit.
“This is biscuit. She’s about 8 years old," Lisa said. “She loves to paddleboard with me too. She has a little harness that she wears. She does her own paddleboarding and loves it.”
It seems wherever Lisa goes, Biscuit isn’t far behind, even attending work with Lisa when Biscuit wasn’t feeling well.
“We’re going to have a good time and I think she’s ready.”

Lisa Villegas joins the Q13 News Weather Team.
Lisa and Biscuit are ready for new adventures, new places to explore, and new and challenging weather patterns to forecast.
“I cannot wait to join the team and really just call Seattle my home. Yeah. We’re ready!”
And Q13 News is ready to welcome her to the team!
One of the other things Lisa is excited about is living closer to family. She has a sister, brother-in-law and two adorable nieces in Portland, Oregon.
Lisa says for the first time in her career, she’ll have family nearby, making Seattle feel even more like home!

Lisa Villegas joins Q13 News Weather Team