Governor Ferguson faces budget battle and internal resignations
Governor Ferguson's legislative director resigns amid a $15 billion budget deficit clash with Democrat lawmakers. Tensions rise as House Democrats restrict the governor's access, sparking accusations of juvenile politics. Republicans rally behind Ferguson's call for bipartisan cooperation and spending cuts, while Democrats push for new taxes on the wealthy.
Medicaid on the chopping block as people rally in Olympia, WA
Democratic Senator Patty Murray warns that proposed Medicaid cuts by House Republicans could devastate healthcare access, closing rural hospitals and denying essential services to seniors and people with disabilities.
How Medicaid cuts could impact WA
In Olympia on Tuesday, people will rally on the steps of the Capitol building to oppose budget cuts to healthcare, higher education, long-term care, and more.
Three dead in wrong-way crash on I-5 in Thurston County, WA
A wrong-way crash on I-5 in Thurston County killed three people early Sunday morning, blocking northbound lanes.
WA Senate Republican proposal aims to close budget gap without new taxes
A new Republican proposal intends to plug the state funding gap by using surplus money and not funding previously negotiated pay increases for state workers.
WA leaders concerned over federal funding cuts for free school meals
Federal spending proposals and actions have policymakers and student nutrition advocates alarmed, threatening access to free food for hundreds of thousands of students across the state.
'March 4th for Democracy' protest in WA
Hundreds of people converged on the Washington capitol on Tuesday, protesting the Trump administration and its recent moves.
WA senate passes bill to make clergy members mandatory reporters
The state senate passed a bill Friday afternoon to make religious leaders mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. It now heads to the house.
Thurston County, WA Sheriff calls police pursuit complaints meritless
Thurston County's return to police pursuits have some questioning whether they are stopping crimes or causing more collateral damage. Sheriff Derek Sanders calls any complaints meritless.
Gov. Ferguson details $4 billion in spending cuts to address WA deficit
Bob Ferguson wants legislators to tackle the state’s projected $15 billion budget shortfall. As work continues to close the gap, the governor aims to prioritize spending cuts over new taxes.
Controversial Pursuit: Thurston county Sheriff defends his actions
Thurston county Sheriff Sanders faces criticism and a formal complaint for his aggressive tactics, with some arguing that his methods are too dangerous.
What’s moving along, and what’s not, in the WA Legislature?
The Washington Legislature faces a key deadline this Friday. While many ideas have been heard, the state’s projected budget shortfall is filtering what laws will make it to the governor's desk.
WA power companies prepare to help people left in the dark following windy night
Puget Sound Energy and Tacoma Power say they have crews on standby and equipment ready if the power goes out.
WA signature verification bill faces opposition from initiative backers
Lawmakers are considering more rules around verifying signatures on petitions for initiatives, with strong opposition coming from initiative backers and the state’s top election official.
Washington’s state flag could change under proposed legislation
House Bill 1938 would create a committee to redesign the green banner state flag.
Lawmakers weigh increased penalties for people who try to elude police
If passed, a new bill would increase penalties for fleeing police. Some say this hasn't worked in the past, while others believe it will act as a deterrence.
WA lawmakers discussing bill to reform pre-trial release policies
A new bill would change the way Washington judges set bail for suspects who are deemed public safety threats.
WA lawmakers discussing bill to reform pre-trial releases
The House Community Safety Committee convened Thursday to hear testimony on House Bill 1252, which aims to reform pre-trial release policies in Washington state. Sponsored by Rep. Lauren Davis, D-32, the bill seeks to make it more difficult for suspects who run from police to get out of jail and to increase judicial accountability.
WA legislative committee advances new standards on wood stoves
Senate Bill 5174 would align Washington’s air quality standards regarding wood burning devices with ones published by the EPA.
More than 500 fighting roosters seized in Yelm, WA animal bust
More than 500 roosters bred for fighting were seized from a residence in Yelm on Thursday.