CAPTURED: Kent Police arrest prolific DV offender thanks to a WMW viewer tip
WANTED IN KING COUNTY -- - Kent Police arrested Deante Daniels on February 7, 2021 one day after he was featured on Washington's Most Wanted. Daniels had managed to avoid capture for 10 months.
A patrol officer followed up on an anonymous tip on his location at a home in Kent and knocked on the front door. "At that point in time, the male actually walked into the doorway. The officer called out to him and the the male ran back into the residence. We had officers that were in the area, it appeared, the male tried to run out the back door, saw that the officers were there. After a few minutes, realizing that there wasn't any place for him to go, decided to give himself up peacefully to the police officers," said Kent Police Cmdr. Robert Hollis.
He was booked into the SCORE jail in Des Moines where he is being held without bail.
Daniels had numerous felony warrants for his arrest including three counts of Domestic Violence Felony Violation of a No Contact Order, Attempt to Elude and a Department of Corrections Escape warrant.
Daniels is Washington's Most Wanted Capture #1196 thanks to tips from our viewers.
‘I've been trying to escape from this for so long and i just don't know how?’ Those are the words of a woman battered by a convicted domestic violence offender, both physically and psychologically, for years.
That's what she told Federal Way Police when they arrived at her apartment door in April to respond to a 911 call from a neighbor who heard arguing and yelling coming from the victim's apartment. Officers say the victim was crying and asking for protection from her abusive boyfriend, Deante Daniels, who is wanted in King County now for violating a no contact order -- the sixth protection order slapped against him over the years.
The victim told police that Daniels pushed her in the face, knocking her glasses off and pushed her in the chest, causing her to stumble.
"The suspect fled the scene prior to police arrival and he was never located. A little bit of history on Deonte Daniels. He has at least 20 domestic violence assaults that have occurred that were never reported to the police, so the prosecutor's office asked for a high bail and they set bail at $250,000, because of his long criminal history and the danger to the victim. The victim has reported to police now that she feels like the suspect may be stalking her watching her and he also has a DOC escape warrant, as well, so we're having a really hard time finding him," said King County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ryan Abbott.
Daniels’ rap sheet includes convictions for:
He’s 33 years old, 6 feet tall and weighs 140 pounds.
If you know where he's hiding, get some cash in your pocket by telling King County deputies and claiming the reward of up to $1,000 offered by Crime Stoppers. It is anonymous. Use the P3 Tips app on your smart phone to submit the information, or call the hot line at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477).