Masked men grab woman at gas station; boyfriend thwarts possible abduction, carjacking
Possible attempted kidnapping at Federal Way gas station
Two masked men grabbed a woman at a Federal Way gas station earlier this week. Her boyfriend was able to scare them off.
FEDERAL WAY, Wash - There were some scary moments for a woman at a Federal Way gas station after two masked men tried to grab her while she stopped to fill up early Tuesday morning.
It happened at a Shell station near Pacific Highway S and S Dash Point Road.
One of the clerks that had seen the security video said that the woman was parked at one of the pumps and was walking through the lot when a man jumped at her and grabbed her.

"A lot of students live around this area, so it’s very dangerous for them to be walking around this area late at night, or even very early in the morning," said Dani Ramirez, who lives nearby.
Dani Ramirez walks by the gas station almost every day. The news that two men tried to grab a customer there put her on edge.
"It’s scary. You are trying to do something for yourself and someone’s going to still try to harm you," said Ramirez.
Federal Way Police say it happened around 12:20 a.m. One of the men was wearing a ski mask and the other a type of medical mask.
The employee told FOX 13 that security video had shown that the woman's car was parked near pump one and the suspects were near pump number three. He believes that they saw her walking alone and took advantage, one of them grabbing her by the sweatshirt.
However, police say her boyfriend was in the car and saw them putting their hands on her. He reportedly jumped out to confront them.
The employee believed, based on the video, that the suspects didn't realize that a man was with her and when they saw him, they released her and took off in a Kia. Police say that the vehicle reportedly did not have plates.
"I can believe it because it’s Federal Way. I can pretty much say everywhere is not safe anymore," said Terry Paulson, a resident.
Paulson is a regular customer at the gas station and long-time resident of Federal Way. He says the area has become more and more dangerous.
"It’s changed. It wasn’t like this four years back, five years. But it’s changed dramatically," said Paulson.
Police say the motive is unclear, though the victim speculated the men may have wanted to steal her car. Others believe it may have been an attempted abduction.
"I already take precautions, but hearing that, I’ll take extra care," said Ramirez. "It’s very scary because, you know, sometimes you have to go to work, you have to go to school, and you have to be independent."
If you have information on who may be responsible, contact Federal Way Police at 253-835-2121.