Terry Bagley: Accused robber is definitely on Santa's naughty list
Wanted by Seattle Police Terry Bagley has allegedly been spotted on surveillance cameras in a string of recent robberies. And this Christmas-born bandit doesn't seem like he wants to stop anytime soon. "The bad part about this is the guy implies he has a gun," Myrle Carner of Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound said. "This is a dangerous guy. Chances are he's going to do this again unless we get him off the street." Seattle police say Bagley could be around the Capitol Hill area.

If you know Bagley's whereabouts, call: CRIME STOPPERS: 1-800-222-TIPS You must call the Crime Stoppers hotline with your tip to be eligible to receive a cash reward for information leading to a fugitive’s arrest. CLICK HERE for information on how to TEXT A TIP to Crime Stoppers.