Outgoing Gov. Jay Inslee's portrait unveiled

As the third term of Governor Jay Inslee came to a close this week, his official gubernatorial portrait was unveiled in the capitol. But as photojournalist Tim Straszewski found out, it's more than a picture.

WA Gov. Jay Inslee proposes wealth tax

Invest in our people, don't leave anyone behind, and don't go backward; those are the three non-negotiables Governor Jay Inslee said must be considered when it comes to balancing Washington's budget. Now, he has a new proposal to tax the state's wealthiest workers.

Gov. Jay Inslee proposes wealth tax

Governor Jay Inslee says a wealth tax would affect roughly 3,000 people who live in Washington, and would generate $10.3 billion over four years.

WA Gov. Inslee imposes state spending freeze

Gov. Inslee issued a directive on Tuesday, commanding state agencies put a hold on hiring certain positions. This includes positions not related to public safety or other non-discretionary activities.

King County hits FEMA damage threshold

King County is calling on Governor Jay Inslee for help rebuilding from the bomb cyclone after meeting the threshold to qualify for federal disaster assistance.