Washington residents receive unsolicited packages of seeds from China
WA Dept. of Agriculture warns of mysterious packages of seeds
Washington was one of the first states to report unsolicited packages of seeds from China, some marked as jewelry.
SEATTLE - Mysterious packages of seeds from China have been reported by dozens of Washington residents, according to the Washington State Department of Agriculture.
On Monday, WSDA said in a blog post they have received numerous reports since Friday. These reported packages prompted officials to investigate the seeds as agricultural smuggling.
Some residents said the outside of the packages they received were labeled as jewelry, but instead contained seeds inside. The department said several residents who ordered seeds online from U.S. retailers also ended up with seeds from another country.
WSDA said the foreign seeds could be invasive and pose as a threat to crops, animals and the enviroment. Officials urged people to not plant them.
“We don’t know what the motives were or if there is any disease or pests in these packets, but given that they haven’t been inspected, there is always a risk,” said Chris McGann, a spokesperson for the state Department of Agriculture.
WSDA recommends anyone who receives the packets to not open them. Recipients should put the packets into a separate, ziplock bag and throw them away.
Several other states, including Kentucky, Utah and North Carolina, have also received suspicious packages of seeds that appear to have originated from China, news outlets reported.
Those who recieve the packets can also anonymously report the seeds to the USDA contacting the confidential anti-smuggling hotline at 800-877-3835 or by sending an email to SITC.Mail@aphis.usda.gov.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.