12-year-old terrorizes Tukwila community on violent, random crime spree

A child is on a violent and seemingly unstoppable crime spree in Tukwila that police say has been going on for months, leaving many asking what can be done.

Tukwila Police say since February, a 12-year-old girl—who is not named—is accused of stalking elderly women and attacking them, then stealing their phones and purses.

The first incident happened Feb. 28.

Police say the girl followed an elderly woman from the bus at the 100 block of Andover Park West into a business. The girl attacked the woman and stole her purse, but the victim did not press charges, police said.

On March 13, police say the 12-year-old followed an elderly woman from a business near the 300 block of Strander Boulevard. The girl attacked the older woman, knocking her to the ground, and tried to steal her purse and phone, according to authorities.

A month later on April 14, the girl started several fights including one with an elderly woman, investigators reported. Police say the 12-year-old cut off her ankle monitor the day before this incident.

On May 22, police say the 12-year-old tried to stab another kid following a fight over a boyfriend.

Most recently, police say the 12-year-old girl attacked a person on June 5, and stole their phone before running away.

"There's never an easy case when you have an allegation, or allegations like this, and somebody who's that young. But what we did was go before the court and said, ‘This is somebody who reasonably should be held,’ and the court agreed," said Casey McNerthney with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s office.

McNerthney says the girl is in custody, and the prosecutor’s office is waiting for more information on this most recent case from Tukwilia Police.

"She has to be held accountable for her actions, but there is an opportunity for her to be saved," said Kendrick Glover.

Kendrick Glover is the executive director of GEM, a mentor and diversion program helping at risk children and young adults in King County.

He says more needs to happen in the community to make sure kids like this don’t fall through the cracks

"It’s sad to see this young lady is experiencing this type of mental health crisis, but she's calling out for help. If she's telling police, ‘I can do this, and I can do that, and I'll be back,’ that’s a cry for help. So, we as a society, we have to do better and put resources where they're needed to be for this young lady to receive the help she needs, just like thousands of other young people right here in King County," he said.

Glover says focus also needs to be placed on this girl’s at-home life to find positive outcomes for her.

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FOX 13 News reached out to mayor’s office and every council member individually to see what resources exist to help kids before they get to this point, however no one responded, or wanted to talk about the story.

Crime and Public SafetyKing CountyTukwilaInstastories