Tacoma cop hits suspect with patrol car
TACOMA -- A suspect in Tacoma is facing charges, after an officer ran him over with his patrol car.
The officer confronted the suspect near South 15th and S. J Street in Tacoma on Wednesday night. The suspect fled on foot, and the officer followed in his vehicle. Then, Tacoma Police say the suspect started to walk toward the officer, reaching into his waistband in a threatening manner.
The officer reacted and struck the suspect with his patrol car. The man fled, but was taken into custody a few blocks away. A weapon was found near the scene.
The suspect had no signs of injury, but complained of leg pain and was transported to the hospital. Once medically discharged, he will face charges of aggravated assault on a police officer. The officer has been placed on administrative leave, which is typical policy.
The officer was not injured; Tacoma Police said he has been with the department for 26 years.