Space Needle unveils world's first rotating glass floor
SEATTLE -- The Space Needle's $100 million renovation project is nearly finished. On Thursday, the highly anticipated revolving glass floor called, The Loupe, was unveiled.
The Loupe is the centerpiece of the landmark's new multi-level experience, which treats guests to breathtaking views of the ground and inner-workings of the structure.
The Loupe makes a full rotation every 45 minutes
But is it safe? You can hopefully be reassured knowing that between the revolving glass floor and its underlying architecture, there are a total of 10 layers of glass and the glass floor was designed for the highest of code requirements for floors, Space Needle officials said.
For floors, code required loads and testing are typically 60 pounds/square foot and 300-pound point loads. The glass floor at the Space Needle was designed for more than 100 pounds/square foot and 600-pound point loads all throughout the floor’s surface.
"This would mean that you could invite the entire Seattle Seahawks’ defense and all of the offensives they would face in the course of a season – to take a group photo on the glass floor without breaking a sweat," Space Needle officials boasted.
Over the past year, the 56-year-old landmark underwent the biggest renovation in its history infusing the Space Needle's top viewing levels with glass.
The Space Needle is privately owned and private funds paid for the renovation.
Seattle and King County benefited from $7.4 billion of spending by a record 40 million visitors last year, a number that has grown annually since the 2008 recession, according to Visit Seattle, a nonprofit advocacy group for the tourism industry.
The public can check out the Loupe beginning Friday, August 3 starting at 8 a.m. Adult tickets cost $29/$24 after 6 p.m. kid tickets cost $19/$14 after 6 p.m.
Advance tickets can be purchased online at or in person at the box office.