Sharks lurking in Puget Sound
Sixgill Shark (Photo courtesy:
Orcas, seals and otters are known residents of Puget Sound, but a perhaps lesser known fact is that our area waterways are also home to several species of sharks. Dogfish, Sixgills, Broadnose Sevengills and Brown Catsharks are the four main shark residents of Puget Sound, according to Dayv Lowry, a Senior Research Scientist at the Department of Fish and Wildlife, who talked to Inside Bainbridge.
Sixgills are the largest sharks in Puget Sound, growing up to 20 feet long. These active predators spend much of their time in deep water, according to Lowry. The infamous Great White Shark is also known to pass through Washington waters. A Great White carcass washed up on Vashon Island a few years ago, Lowry said. Salmon Sharks, which are more common along the Washington coast, are often mistaken for Great Whites because of their similar shape and size.
Read more about Puget Sound's resident sharks from Inside Bainbridge here.