Seattle offering free Covid-19 testing & potential mobile testing sites for protesters
Peaceful protest turns hostile in Seattle on Day 7 of demonstrations
Peaceful protest turns hostile in Seattle on Day 7 of demonstrations
SEATTLE -- Concern is growing over the spread of Covid-19 following large protests, and demonstrators are being told to go get tested for the coronavirus.
In Seattle, free testing is available beginning Friday. People who’d like to get tested can register online here.
Testing sites will be available for free at two Washington Vehicle Emission sites on Aurora Ave North and in Seattle’s SoDo neighborhood.
"We've had a number of conversations in the last few days with Public Health about all the range of things we can do to make sure protesters are able to get adequate testing,” Durkan said.
Health officials in King County said testing capacity in Seattle will be about 1,600 a day, with the county aiming for about 5,000 tests a day.
Unlike previous directives, people who develop a new cough or show mild symptoms are being told to go get tested. Those who come into contact with a potential Covid-19 case are also being told to get tested.
“There is a pandemic going on out there. People are aware of that. I don’t think any of us have forgotten that’s happening,” said Jennifer Cota, who was protesting in Renton. “It’s still a risk a lot of people are willing to take.”
Angela Bogan is a school administrator in Renton. She was out rallying in front of Renton High School with dozens of other educators on Thursday.
“This is more important to me because there are individuals that can’t be tested, cannot get Covid-19 because they are dead,” said Bogan.
King County Public Health officials said it's important to tend to the emotional and mental health needs of our community while demonstrating.
If you are attending a rally or protest, health officials said to wear a face covering, practice social distancing, wash your hands and keep them away from your face, and monitor your health for two weeks after the event.