Search for missing Idaho boy, 2, called off; parents believe he was abducted
BOISE, Idaho -- Authorities have called off a search for a two-year-old boy who wandered off from his family's campsite near Timber Creek Reservoir.
The search for Deorr Kunz was called off Sunday after search and rescue members were unable to locate the boy after surveying a two-mile radius of the campsite. It remains unclear whether the search might be resumed later.
The boy's parents, Deorr Kunz, Sr. and Jessica Mitchell, told they believe their son was abducted, but they have faith he is still alive.
“We’re looking for you son and we will find you,” Kunz said. “We love you more than anything in the world. You have a lot of people that love you, and buddy, we’ll find you.”
At one point there were more than 150 people involved in the search after the boy's family reported him missing Friday afternoon.
A helicopter, search and rescue team, search dogs, Lemhi County staff, Salmon Police Department staff and volunteers had all been searching the area for Kunz.
The boy has blonde bushy hair and was wearing a camouflage jacket, blue pajama pants and cowboy boots.

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“As his father I believe, and a lot of people agree with me, that he is no longer up the mountain anymore,” Kunz told the site.
Kunz said he thought the boy's grandparents were watching him, and the grandparents thought the boy's parents had him.
“He doesn’t go anywhere without his blanket, his cup, or his monkey. All three of them were left at the campground.” Mitchell told “We’ll continue to look until he’s found. We don’t care how long it takes.”
The boy's parents asked that people continue to share their son's photo in hopes that he'll be found alive soon.