Puyallup man charged with taking upskirt videos with hidden camera at local mall
PUYALLUP -- Police call it an elaborate hidden camera system, built into a hand-held shopping basket with tape and screws, cardboard and newspapers.
"The subject did have a covert camera inside a modified hand-held shopping basket and had been taking upskirt video of unknowing folks inside the South Hill Mall in numerous locations,” Puyallup police Capt. Scott Engle said Monday.
According to police, the suspect, Nicholas Shreck, 36, would follow young women around the mall and get close enough to slide the camera into position.
"It’s actually happened to me before when I worked at another retail store and I felt violated, to be honest, and I don't think it’s right and I'm glad that he got caught and arrested,” Amy Finnerud said.
Shreck was charged with one count of voyeurism. A not-guilty plea was entered on Shreck's behalf in Pierce County Superior Court Monday, and bail was set at $150,000.
Puyallup man accused of taking upskirt pics at mall
A Puyallup man was arrested for allegedly taking upskirt photos in the South Hill Mall.
Police served a search warrant on Shreck's home after his arrest and say what they know so far may only be the tip of the iceberg.
"It appears we've also discovered in excess of 100,000 digital photographic images. At first glance some of these images also appear to be child pornography. So this is turning into a large case for investigators,” Engle said.
The South Hill Mall is very popular with families and young girls.
Parents here are shocked and saddened about what happened and the impact it could have on his victims.
"Right now I'm so frustrated over this situation that I can't even believe that that happened and it still happens and continues to happen every single day. People think it's no big deal, and it is a huge deal. It's a huge deal. That's disgusting. It just makes me lose respect for guys like that so it's not much to say. Not much to say. It's just gross,” shopper Traci Adams said.
Police say Shreck shot video at other locations all over Pierce County at department stores and grocery stores.
"There are certainly more victims out there. We absolutely know that. Has cooperated in this investigation so far and fully has a problem and was doing this for his own sexual gratification. So we're very glad to get him off the street and behind bars,” Engle said