OSPI partners with Kaiser Permanente to distribute vaccines to Washington state educators

More teachers could be on the receiving end of vaccines, perhaps changing the look of learning across the state.

Under what's called the 'Get Ready' plan, Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal announced a partnership with Kaiser Permanente Washington, that would facilitate providing educators the vaccine once their turn arrives under the state's vaccine distribution plan.

"We are working hard with educators to expedite a process that within the next four-to-six weeks when we get the green light, we're going to be ready," said Reykdal.

Logistical details of the plan were scarce when the announcement was made on Friday, but both Reykdal and Susan Mullaney, president of Kaiser Permanente Washington said they will use this time to make sure the plan is 'seamless' once they are given the go-ahead.

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"We will get to work on establishing the plan. I can tell you both that, doing this for a while, all those critical details need to be worked out," said Mullaney.

Initially, the plan called for using between 14-20 sites, primarily within Kaiser Permanente's medical network, within the I-5 corridor, and in Spokane, to provide educators with the COVID-19 vaccine. According to Reykdal, some school sites may be called upon to be vaccine sites also. 

It also depends on how much the vaccine will be available, but considering that earlier this week, Governor Inslee announced a 16% allocation increase from the federal government for the current phase, it looks promising.

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"Keeping our educators and school staff safe is very important to me," said Governor Jay Inslee. "This announcement does not allow educators to move ahead in the current prioritization, it means when it is their turn, we are ready to move ahead. I’m excited about today’s announcement and look forward to working with Superintendent Reykdal, Kaiser Permanente, and our labor partners as we continue our efforts to make sure our educators and school staff have rapid and equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they are eligible."

OSPI is currently developing a website, that will make information centrally accessible for educators to have access to sign-up. 

COVID-19 in WashingtonEducation