Grandfather recovering after being shot during weekend Tumwater crime spree

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Tumwater Walmart shooting

Tumwater Walmart shooting

SEATTLE – A 47-year-old grandfather is recovering at Harborview Medical Center after being shot during a wild shooting spree.

It ended with the suspect being shot dead in the parking lot of a Thurston County Walmart.

Ricky Fievez’s family says he was shot twice inside his car while trying to flee the chaos in Tumwater last weekend.

The shooter, 44-year-old Tim Day, died at the scene after police say an armed bystander shot him.

“I just come here and talk to him and see him,” said Ricky’s son, Tyler Fievez. “I don’t even really eat, it’s hard to sleep. It’s weird. I don’t understand, did it even happen? Like a dream.”

Tylerand his family hold a vigil for his father, Ricky. The grandfather went through another surgery at Seattle’s Harborview Medical Center on Tuesday where doctors tried removing bullet fragments from his body.

“He’s going to make it,” said Tyler. “The concern -- if he’s going to be paralyzed or not.”

Before shooting Ricky Fievez, Day tried carjacking multiple people before arriving at the Walmart on Littlerock Road, police say. Once Day got inside, police say, he shot at a locked ammunition case and stole bullets.

“Then there was boom, boom, boom,” said witness Brian Adams. “It was like, no, those aren’t balloons -- and we just started running.”

Police say Day then ran into the parking lot and tried carjacking other drivers, including Tyler's dad.

“Shot him once and said to get out of the car, my dad couldn’t move, he was already shot,” Tyler said. “So they shot him again. My dad somehow put his foot on the gas pedal, made the car spin and sidetracked the shooter from coming to my mom because that’s where he was going next.”

That’s where police say a bystander with his own firearm halted Day’s chaotic crime spree by fatally shooting him.

“He would have killed my mom and my dad and who knows else,” said Tyler.

“I mean he saved us all probably,” said Adams. “I mean, come on, he saved us all.”

Police say a 16-year-old boy was also hurt during the crime spree.

Day has a storied criminal history including felony and misdemeanor arrests.

Tyler believes the Good Samaritan with the gun should be hailed as a hero.

“If that guy didn’t have it, then it would have been a lot more chaos than what happened,” said Tyler.

Tumwater Police told Q13 News the Good Samaritan was still wrapping his head around what happened and did not want to speak to the news media about the incident.

The Fievez family is putting together an online fundraising account to help them pay for mounting medical expenses.