Deputies looking for woman accused of breaking into cars to steal credit cards; using cards for purchases

Deputies from multiple jurisdictions are asking for the public's help identifying a woman accused of stealing credit cards out of cars using them, wracking up thousands of dollars in purchases. 

According to the Kittitas and Thurston County Sheriff's Office, the woman is wanted for breaking into cars at Snoqualmie Pass and in the Olympia area, bad using those cards to commit identity theft in Covington, Long Beach and Ocean Park. 

Deputies say the damage and theft is in the thousands of dollars. 

She may have ties to the southwest corner of the state.

If you know who she is, call the Kittitas County Sheriff's Office at 509-925-8534 and provide your information for Deputy RJ Johnston. Thurston County Sheriff’s Office is also looking to identify her. Info goes to Deputy Rassi at

Crime and Public SafetyThurston CountyKittitas County