Concerned parents address bullying issues with Franklin Pierce School officials
Bullying takes the spotlight at parent meeting at Franklin-Pierce County SD
A spokesperson for the Franklin Pierce School District says that there was an altercation at Ford Middle School prior to a child's hospitalization. Parents came out to express their anger and frustration at the district.
PIERCE COUNTY, Wash. - Following controversy surrounding the death of an 11-year-old girl in Pierce County, officials with the Franklin Pierce School District held a meeting to address safety in the classrooms.
Pierce County Sheriff’s Officials announced during the meeting, the medical examiners results have concluded the fight involving 11-year-old girl, days before she died, is not the cause of her death.
"And that's the reason we said it wasn't a homicide investigation. If it was an assault, we would have immediately said it was a homicide investigation into what happened. But even still, if that was the case, what we see in the cell phone video doesn't add up to a felony assault, or an assault that would have resulted in someone's death," Sergeant Darren Moss told FOX 13 News following the meeting.
However, the incident put attention on the problems of bullying within Franklin Pierce schools.
"Right now I feel like there is no accountability or responsibility being taken within the schools," said Amanda Sanchez. "It’s helpless. I feel helpless," she added.
Sanchez says both of her children have experienced bullying.
She says that sometimes her oldest child will call her during the day because it gets so bad at school.
"I don’t like it. It’s scary. I mean, there are times that I cannot take it and I have to be picked up from school. I can’t handle it," said 12-year-old, 6th grader Trance Gross.
He says bullies have targeted him because he is transitioning genders. Gross says it feels like he is not accepted for who he is.
During Tuesday’s meeting, parents and students were put into smaller groups, and given the opportunity to share their concerns with district officials.
The room was packed with more than a hundred people, but Sanchez says there should have been more parents in attendance.
"I feel like every parent should be outraged. I feel the parking lot should be filled with enraged parents right now, wanting answers, wanting acknowledgement, wanting accountability," she said.
Gross says it is a difficult problem, but one that has an easy fix.
"Stop violence, and homophobia, or however you say it, and just accept people for who they are," Gross said.
Sheriff's officials say it will take some time to learn the actual cause of death for the 11-year-old girl.